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API Security Testing

API security testing helps mitigate security issues for web applications, IoT devices, and other ...

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API Testing

API testing is essential and tells developers if APIs meet expectations for functionality, securi...

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Application Security Testing

Simplify application security testing in development workflows with three simple strategies. Do i...

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Automated Test Processes for Embedded Software Systems

An essential start to the journey of delivering high-quality, real-time embedded software systems...

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Automated Testing

Automated testing performs software testing more efficiently than manual testing with repeatable ...

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Code Coverage

Code coverage exposes the code in your application that has and has not been tested. Users can pe...

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DevSecOps helps IT operations and security teams with the continuous delivery of modern applicati...

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End-to-End Testing

End-to-end testing is a testing methodology testers employ to test an application’s workflow from...

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Functional Safety Compliance

When you’re developing software for industries where safety comes first, your code must be audite...

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Functional Testing

Functional testing is software testing that evaluates how a system or a component of a system ope...

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ISA/IEC 62443 Compliance: How to Automate

Industrial automation and control systems (IACS) are increasingly under threat from cyberattacks ...

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ISO/SAE 21434 Compliance: How to Automate

The automotive industry is rapidly morphing into a complex smart mobility ecosystem, introducing ...

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Performance Testing

Like a check engine light on system performance, load and performance testing tools test under re...

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Requirements Traceability

The cornerstone of a rigorous software development process is requirements and the traceability t...

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Service Virtualization

The services your application calls might not be available for load testing when you need them. S...

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Static Application Security Testing

Static application security testing (SAST) analyzes application source code to find software weak...

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Static Code Analysis

Innovative static code analysis tools drive continuous quality that's needed in all enterprise an...

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Test Data Management

Perform reliable testing with reusable synthetic test data. Create and manage safe and appropriat...

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Unit Testing

Unit testing is the practice of creating small, quick-running tests for individual software compo...

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Web UI Testing

Today’s consumers are savvy, busy, and know the difference between a good and bad website experie...

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