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Test Data Management

Manage Your Test Data With Parasoft Virtualize

Avoid Testing Conflicts With Virtual Test Data

In today’s world of modern software architectures, software applications integrate to data sources via APIs. And in many cases, these data sources are shared across multiple applications and teams. When teams start testing applications with a dependency on shared data sources, conflicts and data pollution can impact efforts to run automated regression testing in a reliable manner.

It is often realized that the issue wasn’t a real bug, but rather a data or environmental problem that caused the tests to fail. Traditional test data management techniques aren’t getting the job done, and there is a real cost impact to the business.

Data-Driven Testing

Up to 60% of application development and testing time is devoted to data-related tasks.

Test Data Impacts

Inefficiencies in test data provisioning cause project cost overruns of 46% and schedule impacts of 71%.

Development Life Cycle

20% of the average SDLC is lost due to required test data not being created or available when needed.

Extend Your Virtualization Power With Synthetic Test Data

Each application team needs shared test data that sits behind APIs. Service virtualization enables teams to independently control their own virtual data and sandboxes, which allows them to more easily drive higher levels of test automation that just isn’t practical with traditional methods.

Parasoft’s test data management technology extracts data from existing systems so you can quickly manage, mask, model, and generate additional data. With Parasoft’s self-service interface, you can easily reuse test data in your virtual services, reducing the time you spend doing test data management.

How Does It Work?

Parasoft’s modern approach to test data combines test data management with service virtualization to deliver data simulation. This approach allows users to simplify the process of understanding what data is available by leveraging the recordings made while creating virtual services. Parasoft’s test data management technology automatically generates data models from interactions in your system, and automatically infers information about the data to make it easier for non-technical users to get the test data they need.

Through a sleek browser-based UI, users can then take their data models and mask the sensitive data, generate additional data for use in their virtual services, as well as snapshot the data to easily roll forwards and backwards in time. This approach to test data is significantly more approachable than traditional test data management solutions because the majority of the complexity in traditional TDM comes from deriving the data model, whereas in the Parasoft ecosystem, that happens automatically.

Test Data Management With Parasoft video title on left with image of woman and man collaborating at a computer screen on the right.


Benefit from the Parasoft Approach

Virtual services that are easier to own

By building a smaller virtual service from the beginning and then loading it with all the necessary data by generating synthetic data, it’s much easier to own your virtual services while reducing maintenance.

Easier to do negative testing

Sometimes you want to be able to reproduce a defect, but that data just doesn’t exist in the real environment. By loading synthetic data into your virtual services, you can generate all sorts of wild responses that could never exist in reality. This will make it much easier for you to build reproductions because you can simulate exactly the responses are looking for.

Automatically heal your data

Statefully driving your virtual services is a great way to simulate real transactions that alter the underlying data, so you can validate changing data over time, but getting your data back into the proper shape can be a challenge. Parasoft lets you snapshot a golden state of your data, which you can alter through usage and reset right back to its original starting point with a series of simple API calls.

See the Value of Parasoft Virtualize

Want to see how much service virtualization can benefit your testing processes?

Use this handy calculator to assess how Parasoft Virtualize can help you decrease the time and costs of application testing by reducing constraints in the environment.

Just enter the number of people on your development and testing teams along with inputs for test environments, defects, and delivery delays. You’ll get a calculation that projects the value of the potential benefits you could experience by implementing the Parasoft service virtualization solution in your organization.

Abstract graphic showing pie chart on left with legend on the right.